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Vistula Lagoon Railway

Tolkmicko - Frombork


It's cool that you are! Would you like to experience with us an amazing journey along the historic railway line no. 254 connecting Elbląg and Braniew? Then come and join us! 

See the route and find out more 

Come and visit us by car!

How about a Ship from the Spit!

Are you ready for an unforgettable adventure?


Does the rail travel have to be boring? No! We would like to invite you to take a ride on a bicycle draisine along the picturesque railway line no. 254 along the Vistula Lagoon!


Where to?


Our draisine rides are organised from Tolkmicko and Frombork to the Święty Kamień stop (there and back). At the moment, we offer two unique routes:


Tolkmicko - Święty Kamień - Tolkmicko

(round trip: 8,6 km)


Frombork - Święty Kamień - Frombork

(round trip: 14,6 km)


You will cover all routes with your family or friends in about 1.5 hours, but you better plan for 2 hours 😊


What is a railbike?


A railbike is a purpose-built railway vehicle that is powered by muscle power - exactly like a bicycle. The advantage over a bike is that you pedal in tandem, so you can cheat a bit 😊 Still not sure what it's all about - go to our Facebook page - it will explain a lot 😊


How much does it cost?


To keep it simple, the cost of each tour is 140 zł per railbike. A single railbike can comfortably carry 4 adults or 2 adults and 3 children. It is possible to book a bicycle chair for toddlers. We know you would like to talk to us and make a booking over the phone, but it will be easier for everyone if you do it online 😊


Would you like to try it out?


We've prepared some pre-defined scenarios for you so that you don't have to stress yourself out unnecessarily - after all, you are on holiday 😊Aha! Remember that you'll be travelling through a wild forest where you may encounter many animals and insects too 😊 Take something with you to help protect yourself from their curiosity ....


If you are determined see how to reach us:


Online booking 



 Phone number (optionally):


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Proszę wypełnić wszystkie wymagane pola!



Telphone number (optional):


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Proszę wypełnić wszystkie wymagane pola!

Contact us 

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All rights reserved © 2024

Nadzalewowa Kolej Drezynowa Sp. z o.o.

ul. Morska 4

82-340 Tolkmicko

NIP: 118 223 34 65, Regon: 520805847

KRS: 0000941852

Rejestracja: Sąd Rejonowy dla m. st. Warszawy,

XII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego

 tel. +48 507 821 449

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